Legal notice
Company name and head office
The website www.domainedelavaudouriere.fr is the property of SCI La Vaudourière.
SCI with share capital of €1,000.00 located at La Vaudourière 41360 Lunay.
Registered in the Blois Trade and Companies Register on 04/20/2020 under RCS number 882 960 883.
E-mail: contact@domainedelavaudouriere.fr
Phone: 06 07 83 12 81
For reception activity, this is attached to SIRET 882 960 883 00016.
The accommodation activity, however, is attached to SIRET 793 358 607 00026.
Publication manager
Publication director: Christophe Phelipot – contact@domainedelavaudouriere.fr
Website creator
SAS Online Platforms – 74 rue du Général de Gaulle 41160 Morée FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0) 6 66 43 08 95
E-mail: contact@online-platforms.fr
Website: https://online-platforms.fr/
Hosting at Online Platforms by OVH
2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
RCS : Lille 424 761 419
Intellectual property
The website www.domainedelavaudouriere.fr as well as all the content present on the said site are the exclusive property of SCI La Vaudourière.
Any reproduction is prohibited without the prior written consent of the owner of the website.

Lieu-dit La Vaudourière
41360 LUNAY
09 88 77 36 58
06 07 83 12 81
Christophe : 06 88 34 37 31