To obtain more information, complete the form below or contact us directly:
by mail : contact@domainedelavaudouriere.fr
by phone : +33 9 88 77 36 58 / +33 6 07 83 12 81
Christophe : +33 6 88 34 37 31
Also find all the information on how to get to Domaine de la Vaudourière.
Contact us

Domaine de la Vaudourière
Lieu-dit la Vaudourière
41360 Lunay
Join the Domain
To get to Domaine de la Vaudourière, the Waze GPS will direct you correctly.
GPS requiring more updating may suggest that you take a path towards the place called “Les Marchais” about 1 km from the finish. Do not follow this indication and stay on the road!
Domaine de la Vaudourière

Lieu-dit La Vaudourière
41360 LUNAY
09 88 77 36 58
06 07 83 12 81
Christophe : 06 88 34 37 31